Trout in the Classroom

Trout in the Classroom (TIC) is a Trout Unlimited program in which TU members work with classrooms to raise Brook Trout.

Students in the program learn:

  • Fish biology
  • Water chemistry
  • Stream ecology
  • Coldwater conservation#

Currently Shenandoah Valley Trout Unlimited oversees 16 tanks in the area. Each classroom has a 50 gallon tank, a chiller to keep the water at the cool 55 degrees brook trout love, a tank filter, and a bubbler to oxygenate the water.

TU chapters work with teachers and generous donors to raise funds for each program (around $1700 per tank). Classrooms receive brook trout eggs from DWR usually in early October, and the eggs hatch and grow to be about 3 inches long brook trout by May, when the children release them into DWR-approved waterways.

If you’d like to start a TIC program in your school, click here to learn more about the program. Find more information about Trout in the Classroom, including technical information and teaching resources, visit the national Trout in the Classroom website.

If you have questions or would like to consider getting involved in this incredible program, contact Tony Conte, SVTU TIC Coordinator via email:

Local Trout in the Classroom Videos

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